🚀Growth Guide

Step by step guide for Web3 Twitter growth

1. Change your PFP to an ApeGang NFT .

Do not modify it, otherwise it won't get tracked by NFTinspect.

2. Follow Twitter List.


3. Follow people from that list.

3.1 Only follow 300 people per day. As soon as you run out of people to follow, make sure to look for people, who posted a "GM" tweet within the last hour and follow the people who liked that tweet.

3.2 After following everyone on the list, look for fresh GM tweets and follow the people who liked them. The less time between their like and your follow, the higher the chances that they are going to follow you back.

IMPORTANT: Focus on following people, who don't follow you yet, to get the maximum out of your daily follows.

5. Follow the steps on the screenshots below.

NOTE: If the interface of your TweetDeck looks different compared to the screenshots. Use the following guide to upgrade it: https://www.ghacks.net/2021/07/21/how-to-enable-the-new-tweetdeck-preview-interface-in-firefox-and-chrome

6. Reply & like to as many tweets (mainly GM tweets) as possible.

Make sure your replies are always slightly different. For example, reply with "GM + name of the person" instead of just "GM". If you don't do this you WILL get a shadow ban.

7. Do your own daily "GM" & "GN" tweets.

You can also schedule them ahead of time. & reply to anyone, who replied to your own "GM/GN" tweet. & also make sure to respond to everyone, who replies to your own tweets.

8. Reply to other tweets, too, by removing the “gm” filter. If you run out of tweets to reply to. It also helps to increase your reach.

TweetDeck Shortcuts:

CTRL+Enter = Send Message.

J = Move to next Tweet

L = Like Tweet

R = Reply to Tweet

Process: J ⇾ L ⇾ R ⇾ Reply ⇾ CTRL + Enter ⇾ Repeat

Helpful sites:

1. NFT Twitter stats for the project & your account: https://www.nftinspect.xyz/collections/0x2118fa9369b9a52fb6bf8cf3fd392643d55a53b4/home

2. General Twitter stats for your account: https://socialblade.com/twitter

3. To check your "GMs": https://www.degendeeds.com

4. Unfollow tool: https://www.tweepi.com

If your account is following 5000 people, you need to start unfollowing people, if you have less than 5000 followers. Make sure to start on the last site on Tweepi and find the people who don't have many followers and those who haven't tweeted since months.


1. Use Google Chrome to speed up the process. (It's faster than other Browsers)

2. ALWAYS like your own Tweet. It's a small boost to rank your Tweet better.

3. Follow people who engaged with your Tweet, if they aren't following you already

Getting 100+ likes for each GM Tweet & 500+ Followers within a week:

1. Do a GM tweet at ~6 AM EST. & GN tweet at ~5-6 PM EST

2. Reply with “GM + Name” & like every comment.

3. Do 400 tweets a day (this includes replies to comments)

4. Follow 300 GM people a day (Check point 3 for more detailed info)

Twitter Bans:

Make sure to check if you have a Twitter ban every now and then on: https://taishin-miyamoto.com/ShadowBan/

To avoid 3-day follow bans, do not follow more than 300 people per day.

How to get rid of “Reply Deboosting”?

Last updated