๐Ÿ“ŠGetting Followers


Firstly, you have to understand, that getting followers on Twitter isnt hard. It's actually very simple if you follow a few rules. You can grow on Twitter by only creating content, but that would take you 10-30x longer than connecting with people by following them.

  • The key of growing on Twitter is to connect (follow) with people who have similar interests, for example they are in the same PFP as you.

  • And also people who might be interested in your content. But at the same time you also want to focus on getting active followers who also have some followers.

  • By simply following & unfollowing people using the right strategy, you can get 30โ€“80 followers a day. With a more advanced strategy that includes tweeting too, you can even grow by 70-150 a day.


#1 You are in the CryptoPunk project. So your goal is to make active members of the project follow you.

Here's how:

  1. Change your PFP to a CryptoPunk.

  2. Go to the most recent tweets of the project's account (or active community members tweets about the project) and click on "likes", to see who has recently liked the tweets and follow everyone who has either a CryptoPunk PFP or something in their Bio, which shows that that person is part of the project.

The fresher the tweets you are doing this with are, the higher the % of people who follow you back. The rate of people following you back is usually between 15-30%.

#2 You are someone who "GM"-tweets daily, but your engagement is bad. Within only a week, you can increase the amount of likes your GM tweets get to 100+

Here's how:

  1. Add something to your bio, that shows people that you are someone who makes "GM"-tweets and is also replying to "GM"-tweets. For example, "GM reply guy".

  2. Find people who are already getting hundreds of likes for their "GM"-tweets.

  3. Try to find fresh "GM"-tweets from them and click again on "likes" and start following the ones who are not only liking "GM"-tweets, but also have some followers (500+) and have something in their Bio/PFP related NFTs, otherwise you might end up following people who only like "GM"-tweets, but aren't interested in your NFT tweets.

  4. Usually people who like "GM"-tweets, do them themselves too. So by replying to their "GM"-tweets, you increase the chances of them following back. If you for example only follow them, the rate of them following back is at around 15-30%, but if you also start replying to their "GM"-tweets, the follow-back-rate can go up to even 50%.

Following people who engage with your tweets

This is another key strategy that is very important. Because people who already engaged with your tweets, have shown interest in your content and are very likely to follow you back, after you followed them. You can expect 30-60% of them to follow you back, depending on how quickly you follow them after they have engaged with your tweet.


Firstly, it's very important to also unfollow people, because Twitter has limitations. If you follow significantly more people than you have followers, at some point you won't be able to follow more people. One of these limits is for example when you follow 5000 people. Until you haven't reached at least 5000 followers, you are unable to follow more. So instead of grinding to 5000 follows with content only, you start unfollowing all the inactive accounts.

For that purpose, you should use <https://tweepi.com>. It's a site, which shows you all the people who didn't follow you back. You would then start unfollowing the ones, who haven't tweeted since a long time (2+ month for example). You could also start unfollowing people who followed you back, but aren't active anymore. Tweepi allows you to unfollow 75 people a day. But even after reaching that limit, you can still use Tweepi to spot more and unfollow them manually on Twitter.


Every time you follow someone or someone follows you, it creates a new link to your profile on Twitter. The bigger you grow, the more important this will become. You might have noticed already, that when you click on someone's โ€œfollowers listโ€, the first Twitter accounts that show up, are the ones of their most influential followers. So as soon as your account is influential enough on Twitter, you will start gaining even more followers from that passively.


  1. Find fresh tweets, that are about the same topic as your content.

  2. Add something to your Bio and/or PFP and/or Twitter name, that shows people that your content is about what they are interested in too.

  3. Open the list of "likes" and start following people, whos PFPs/Bios tell you that they have the same interest and also make sure they have some followers. This is to not only increase your followers, but also increase the engagement you get for your own tweets.

  4. Try to engage with their tweets, to increase the chances of them following you back.

  5. Make sure your followers- to following ratio is balanced. Try to avoid following more people than you have followers. Always balance it out by unfollowing inactive accounts with https://tweepi.com.

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