📑Basic Twitter Guide

Your Profile

The first impression someone gets from visiting your account is important because it has a direct effect on the conversion rate of visitors becoming followers.

Name & Handle

  • Your name is your brand.

  • Try to avoid your Twitter name being different from your handle. If that's not possible, add something at the end of your handle, for example "1", "NFT", etc.

  • Avoid names that are hard to speak, hard to remember, include a lot of numbers or are long.

  • Pick a unique name that's not being used by other people already to create better brand recognition.

  • Including ".eth" at the end of your name (in case you own your ENS), helps to increase the chances of someone following you who has ".eth" in their name too.

Profile Picture

  • Use an NFT as your profile picture. People from the same community will start following and supporting you.

  • Make sure not to alter/customize your NFT otherwise it won't get tracked by sites like https://nftinspect.com.

  • Include PFPs from all kinds of collections you are in to increase the chances of people from those communities following you.

  • Try to match the background of your PFP with the background of your banner to create a cleaner look for your profile.


This is the most important thing, because this is where you try to convince someone to follow you. And it also helps to increase the discoverability of your account.

  • What are the topics of your tweets? For example, "NFT / Crypto / Memes". Make yourself interesting and give people reasons to follow you.

  • List the projects you are invested in to get more followers from those communities.

  • Additionally, you could also list your skills/previous success/job/hobbies. Talking about a specific area that is being mentioned in your Bio could increase the value of your content in the eyes of people visiting your profile.

  • Adding hashtags to your Bio will help your account get discovered easier.

Important Twitter limits

  • 2400 Tweets per day

  • 400 following a day (try to stay at around 300 to avoid a 3-day soft ban)

  • 500 direct messages per day

  • 5000 following limit. As soon as you are following 5000 people and the amount of your own followers is lower than 5000, you can't follow more until you have more than 5000 followers or unfollow people to get below 5000 again.

What happens if you follow more than 400 people a day?

  • You will get a 3-day soft ban. Which means your ability to like/retweet/follow/etc. will be limited. But don't worry, no matter how often you receive that 3 day ban, it won't stack up to a full ban.


Enable 2FA for your account. The more you grow, the more likely it becomes that someone is trying to hack it.

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Last updated